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_get_plugin_data_markup_translate is private and should not be used in themes or plugins directly.
_get_plugin_data_markup_translate › WordPress Function
› _get_plugin_data_markup_translate ( $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $markup = true, $translate = true )
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Sanitizes plugin data, optionally adds markup, optionally translates.
function _get_plugin_data_markup_translate( $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $markup = true, $translate = true ) { // Sanitize the plugin filename to a WP_PLUGIN_DIR relative path. $plugin_file = plugin_basename( $plugin_file ); // Translate fields. if ( $translate ) { $textdomain = $plugin_data['TextDomain']; if ( $textdomain ) { if ( ! is_textdomain_loaded( $textdomain ) ) { if ( $plugin_data['DomainPath'] ) { load_plugin_textdomain( $textdomain, false, dirname( $plugin_file ) . $plugin_data['DomainPath'] ); } else { load_plugin_textdomain( $textdomain, false, dirname( $plugin_file ) ); } } } elseif ( 'hello.php' === basename( $plugin_file ) ) { $textdomain = 'default'; } if ( $textdomain ) { foreach ( array( 'Name', 'PluginURI', 'Description', 'Author', 'AuthorURI', 'Version' ) as $field ) { if ( ! empty( $plugin_data[ $field ] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.I18n.LowLevelTranslationFunction,WordPress.WP.I18n.NonSingularStringLiteralText,WordPress.WP.I18n.NonSingularStringLiteralDomain $plugin_data[ $field ] = translate( $plugin_data[ $field ], $textdomain ); } } } } // Sanitize fields. $allowed_tags_in_links = array( 'abbr' => array( 'title' => true ), 'acronym' => array( 'title' => true ), 'code' => true, 'em' => true, 'strong' => true, ); $allowed_tags = $allowed_tags_in_links; $allowed_tags['a'] = array( 'href' => true, 'title' => true, ); /* * Name is marked up inside <a> tags. Don't allow these. * Author is too, but some plugins have used <a> here (omitting Author URI). */ $plugin_data['Name'] = wp_kses( $plugin_data['Name'], $allowed_tags_in_links ); $plugin_data['Author'] = wp_kses( $plugin_data['Author'], $allowed_tags ); $plugin_data['Description'] = wp_kses( $plugin_data['Description'], $allowed_tags ); $plugin_data['Version'] = wp_kses( $plugin_data['Version'], $allowed_tags ); $plugin_data['PluginURI'] = esc_url( $plugin_data['PluginURI'] ); $plugin_data['AuthorURI'] = esc_url( $plugin_data['AuthorURI'] ); $plugin_data['Title'] = $plugin_data['Name']; $plugin_data['AuthorName'] = $plugin_data['Author']; // Apply markup. if ( $markup ) { if ( $plugin_data['PluginURI'] && $plugin_data['Name'] ) { $plugin_data['Title'] = '<a href="' . $plugin_data['PluginURI'] . '">' . $plugin_data['Name'] . '</a>'; } if ( $plugin_data['AuthorURI'] && $plugin_data['Author'] ) { $plugin_data['Author'] = '<a href="' . $plugin_data['AuthorURI'] . '">' . $plugin_data['Author'] . '</a>'; } $plugin_data['Description'] = wptexturize( $plugin_data['Description'] ); if ( $plugin_data['Author'] ) { $plugin_data['Description'] .= sprintf( /* translators: %s: Plugin author. */ ' <cite>' . __( 'By %s.' ) . '</cite>', $plugin_data['Author'] ); } } return $plugin_data; }