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get_comment_meta › WordPress Function

get_comment_meta ( $comment_id, $key = '', $single = false )
Parameters: (3)
  • (int) $comment_id Comment ID.
    Required: Yes
  • (string) $key Optional. The meta key to retrieve. By default, returns data for all keys. Default empty string.
    Required: No
    Default: (empty)
  • (bool) $single Optional. Whether to return a single value. This parameter has no effect if `$key` is not specified. Default false.
    Required: No
    Default: false
  • (mixed) An array of values if `$single` is false. The value of meta data field if `$single` is true. False for an invalid `$comment_id` (non-numeric, zero, or negative value). An empty array if a valid but non-existing comment ID is passed and `$single` is false. An empty string if a valid but non-existing comment ID is passed and `$single` is true. Note: Non-serialized values are returned as strings: - false values are returned as empty strings ('') - true values are returned as '1' - numbers are returned as strings Arrays and objects retain their original type.
Defined at:

Retrieves comment meta field for a comment.


function get_comment_meta( $comment_id, $key = '', $single = false ) {
	return get_metadata( 'comment', $comment_id, $key, $single );