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register_block_template › WordPress Function

register_block_template ( $template_name, $args = array() )
Parameters: (2)
  • (string) $template_name Template name in the form of `plugin_uri//template_name`.
    Required: Yes
  • (array|string) $args { @type string $title Optional. Title of the template as it will be shown in the Site Editor and other UI elements. @type string $description Optional. Description of the template as it will be shown in the Site Editor. @type string $content Optional. Default content of the template that will be used when the template is rendered or edited in the editor. @type string[] $post_types Optional. Array of post types to which the template should be available. @type string $plugin Optional. Slug of the plugin that registers the template. }
    Required: No
    Default: array()
  • (WP_Block_Template|WP_Error) The registered template object on success, WP_Error object on failure.
Defined at:

Register a block template.


function register_block_template( $template_name, $args = array() ) {
	return WP_Block_Templates_Registry::get_instance()->register( $template_name, $args );