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render_block_core_query_total › WordPress Function
› render_block_core_query_total ( $attributes, $content, $block )
Parameters: (3) |
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Defined at: |
Codex: |
Renders the `query-total` block on the server.
function render_block_core_query_total( $attributes, $content, $block ) { global $wp_query; $wrapper_attributes = get_block_wrapper_attributes(); if ( isset( $block->context['query']['inherit'] ) && $block->context['query']['inherit'] ) { $query_to_use = $wp_query; $current_page = max( 1, get_query_var( 'paged', 1 ) ); } else { $page_key = isset( $block->context['queryId'] ) ? 'query-' . $block->context['queryId'] . '-page' : 'query-page'; $current_page = isset( $_GET[ $page_key ] ) ? (int) $_GET[ $page_key ] : 1; $query_to_use = new WP_Query( build_query_vars_from_query_block( $block, $current_page ) ); } $max_rows = $query_to_use->found_posts; $posts_per_page = $query_to_use->get( 'posts_per_page' ); // Calculate the range of posts being displayed. $start = ( $current_page - 1 ) * $posts_per_page + 1; $end = min( $start + $posts_per_page - 1, $max_rows ); // Prepare the display based on the `displayType` attribute. $output = ''; switch ( $attributes['displayType'] ) { case 'range-display': if ( $start === $end ) { $output = sprintf( /* translators: 1: Start index of posts, 2: Total number of posts */ __( 'Displaying %1$s of %2$s' ), $start, $max_rows ); } else { $output = sprintf( /* translators: 1: Start index of posts, 2: End index of posts, 3: Total number of posts */ __( 'Displaying %1$s – %2$s of %3$s' ), $start, $end, $max_rows ); } break; case 'total-results': default: // translators: %d: number of results. $output = sprintf( _n( '%d result found', '%d results found', $max_rows ), $max_rows ); break; } return sprintf( '<div %1$s>%2$s</div>', $wrapper_attributes, $output ); }