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rest_handle_options_request › WordPress Function
› rest_handle_options_request ( $response, $handler, $request )
Parameters: (3) |
Returns: |
Defined at: |
Codex: |
Handles OPTIONS requests for the server.
This is handled outside of the server code, as it doesn't obey normal route mapping.Source
function rest_handle_options_request( $response, $handler, $request ) { if ( ! empty( $response ) || $request->get_method() !== 'OPTIONS' ) { return $response; } $response = new WP_REST_Response(); $data = array(); foreach ( $handler->get_routes() as $route => $endpoints ) { $match = preg_match( '@^' . $route . '$@i', $request->get_route(), $matches ); if ( ! $match ) { continue; } $args = array(); foreach ( $matches as $param => $value ) { if ( ! is_int( $param ) ) { $args[ $param ] = $value; } } foreach ( $endpoints as $endpoint ) { $request->set_url_params( $args ); $request->set_attributes( $endpoint ); } $data = $handler->get_data_for_route( $route, $endpoints, 'help' ); $response->set_matched_route( $route ); break; } $response->set_data( $data ); return $response; }